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Ways to Stay Healthy on the Go this Fall

Ways to Stay Healthy on the Go this Fall

Schools are back in session, sports are up on the schedule, and your calendar is filling up faster than you can imagine, but you have the power to take charge of your time and health this Fall! New schedules are an opportunity to reset in the school year whether you have little ones or not, so take advantage of the changes to set new goals for your nutrition and wellness needs. Conquer the Fall schedule by mapping out your exercise routine while also allowing for some balanced down time.

Does your soccer, ballet, cheer, or football schedule have you wondering if you’ll ever eat a home cooked meal again? Plan ahead by choosing one day of the week that has some free time to prepare meals for the week ahead! Start with your proteins for the week: beef, chicken, shrimp and salmon and do everything you can to have them prepared ahead of time. Marinate your chicken breasts in freezer bags so that they’re ready for baking, double your ground beef or turkey and brown one in taco seasonings and the other in Italian seasonings to have them ready for Taco Night and Italian night. Salmon and shrimp can be defrosted in the refrigerator before you head to school or work. Toss a little lemon, butter and dill (and of course Old Bay!) on top before cooking and you have yourself a delicious and quick dinner!

Your vegetables can be a no brainer with all of the fresh and frozen options available to you! On your meal prepping day, slice red onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrots so that they’re readily available to toss on a salad. Buy bags of chopped romaine and spring mix so that you always have salads ready to be plated. Chop potatoes, broccoli, brussel sprouts and squash for simple roasting when you get home from work. For dinner, you can easily use a steam basket to lightly steam frozen vegetables to enjoy with some garlic salt and olive oil. Whether you prefer your veggies cooked or fresh, take advantage of all the ways to prepare them ahead of time for easy grab and go.

Of course there will be times that you simply cannot prepare a home cooked meal for you or your loved ones. There is always opportunity to pack healthy snacks and plan ahead when you are going to games or rehearsals in an unfamiliar town. Pack protein bars, beef sticks, dried fruit, nuts, electrolytes and water to prevent getting hangry on the go. Plan ahead by seeing what stores or restaurants are near your child’s game to choose the healthiest option ahead of time. The local grocery store should have a grab and go section, fruit trays, or ready made sandwiches when you’re in a pinch.

Your work, family and life schedule are so important, but never forget the priority that exercise is for you. Prioritizing your own health makes you stronger and happier for your family. Take an honest look at your calendar and ask yourself when is the best time to fit in your daily movement. It may have to shift from morning to your lunch break. Or evening to early morning. Make time for movement throughout the day, a short walk after lunch, pre-dinner weights, run around the track during your kids’ practice. Park a little farther from the door at stores or work, take the stairs when available. Whatever it is, know that your energy, mind and stress levels will thank you for making movement part of your lifestyle.

As imperative as movement is during our day, equally important is down time! You can take a coffee break outside, read a good book before bed, find a hobby that helps you relax and process all the things going on in your world, or listen to calming music as you journal about your day. Reset your mind and body to be prepared for the next day’s goals by balancing movement and rest.

Fall is such a beautiful time to be outside, reset some goals of the year and embrace all the opportunities new schedules bring. Sprinkle in movement throughout your day but also make time to destress your mind and body. Be mindful about what is on your plate by forward thinking your weeks with all the healthy groceries, giving yourself some space to eat on the go by choosing healthy options. Enjoy the cooler days with your family and always make time in your day for a moment to reset and chill. Take a mindful approach to this season by embracing every opportunity you have to enhance your health by staying healthy on the go.

