Instructor, Trainer

Keittie Ribadeneira


CPR, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Les Mills Body Combat, Personal Trainer

Favorite Song:

Anything 50’s, 80’s, R&B, Dance or any boy band. I have yet to scare anyone away with my mixes… I think. The looks though! Bye bye byyye…

Training Philosophy:

Your body is a gift…cherish it!

Teaching Style

It’s all about having fun! Whether we’re lifting, running or punching I want everyone to feel the excitement. With that, we’ll hit our max every time. I’m all about achieving that max effort. I’m taking you with me!

A Little About

Keittie Ribadeneira

I love being with family and friends. I surround myself with as much happiness and love as possible because I take that with me to every class. Without a doubt my 3 daughters motivate me. They inspire me to be the best and with that, I can inspire others.