Kewena Killikelly
CPR/AED, NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Training Philosophy:
I develop levels of progression to ensure long lasting and permanent results. Understanding the body internally as well as externally will always lead to victories. I encourage an alternative outlook toward nutrition, healing and recovery to get you acquainted with new and improved ways of living. You must be dedicated to yourself first which equals commitment and commitment requires consistency. All of this put together will guarantee a better fitness journey of becoming stronger, healthier and happier.
What Clients say:
My first client had a very traumatic injury to his shoulder in which he experienced immediate blunt force. He locked in with me about 2 months ago and sees me twice a week. He is still actively attending physical therapy and going through the cycle of recovery. Our first visit together he was lacking strength, mobility and confidence in the use of his shoulder. However, fast forward to our most recent session, with keying in on technical movements and taking baby steps toward a solid foundation he is now able to shoulder press 40lb dumbbells pain free.