Workout of the Week

Cinderfit Challenge

with Eldersburg trainer Brooks Chaney

Try 3 to 5 sets of 15 reps

Burpee with thruster (with or without push ups)
Step ups

Got questions for Brooks? Email

Training IN THE


Benefits of a Good Training Partner

The value of training with (a) partner/s in relation to strength training cannot truly be quantified, but, I am going to try to in this short read. First we must put into context what “training” …
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Anyone Can Do It

I’m three weeks into Tribe Team Training and I am loving it.  I am going on vacation next week and I am really feeling anxious that I am going to miss my sessions for that …
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Trainer Q&A: Surpassing Limits and Keeping Things Simple

Sometimes you just want to hear straight from the pros – so welcome to a new series on the Merritt Clubs blog! Every month we will chat with one of our trainers as they impart …
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