Eat Your Greens

Eat Your Greens
Throughout our whole life we are told to eat our greens. Everyone associates green foods with health, but few people can probably explain why greens are so vital to our everyday nutrient needs. The USDA ...
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Dietary Fats: Friend or Foe?
Fat. A macronutrient that strikes fear into many people. However, not all fats are created equal, and fat is essential in our diet. The four main fats included on food labels are trans fats, saturated ...
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The 411 on Fiber – From Merritt’s Dietitian
Fiber is a nutrient that many people often overlook as a healthy part of their diet. It has numerous benefits that help manage chronic disease and even prevent the development of other comorbidities. If you’re ...
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5 Tips to Manage Diabetes
It’s National Nutrition Month and to celebrate health through dietary patterns, I would like to discuss the importance of reducing added sugars and the management of diabetes. Maryland is ranked in the top 20 states ...
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