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Kids’ Fitness: How to Encourage Your Child to Be More Active

Kids’ Fitness: How to Encourage Your Child to Be More Active

Nowadays, many kids spend more time looking at a screen than they do playing actively. Although technology can be a great thing, this decreased activity can really have a negative impact on kids’ fitness and can contribute ...
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How to Implement More Cardio Into Your Daily Life

As you probably already know, incorporating cardio into your life is important. Getting enough cardiovascular exercise is good for your heart and the rest of your body, it can provide you with more energy, and it can ...
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Healthy Lifestyle and Weight Loss Tips to Remember When You’re at Work

When you’re at home, it might be easy to focus on preparing healthy meals, heading to the gym for a workout and otherwise working toward your health and weight loss goals. However, chances are good that ...
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How to Get Your Entire Family On Board with Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Old habits can die hard, and even though you might be ready to transition to a healthy lifestyle, you could be having a hard time getting your family on board. Luckily, following a few tips can ...
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