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Brain Fog is Real

Brain Fog is Real

If you’re feeling a little fuzzy and forgetful, and not as sharp as in the summer months, you may want to blame it on the colder weather. According to a 2018 study from Columbia University, ...
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Can Cardio Help You Live Longer?

Well, it’s mid-January: that time when resolutions begin to lose their shine and real life becomes once again…well…real life. Did you make any resolutions for the new year? How’s it going? If one of your ...
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Don’t Get Scrooged for the Holidays

This is the joyful season, that time of year when we’re supposed to be happy, giving, and thankful. But hosting guests or traveling and being a guest in someone’s home for any length of time ...
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Fit for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is next week! It’s hard to believe. It seems like Halloween was just a couple of weeks ago and now we’re gearing up for the December holiday season. People are already having a tough ...
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Sitting is Killing You

Are you sitting down? Are you comfortable? That’s too bad, because it’s probably killing you.
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Core Like a Ninja

This summer I became obsessed with American Ninja Warrior. OK, maybe “obsessed” is a little strong, but face it, the show is entertaining. I like how all the athletes have different nicknames that represent exactly ...
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Do you Have Dead Butt Syndrome?

Your butt might be dead. Yes…that’s correct. Gluteal amnesia or dead butt syndrome is a real condition in which the gluteal muscles stop firing correctly. Recent research suggests that the majority of Americans can spend ...
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Calories In, Calories Out

Is it just me, or does anyone else think their fitness watch or fitness tracker gets a little pushy at times? Don’t get me wrong…I love my watch. And, I move. A lot. (I run, ...
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Rolling in the Deep

As a frequent (or not-so-frequent) gym goer, you know the drill: get to the club, do whatever workout you have scheduled for that day, and get out. Great. Next. Move on and do it all ...
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Let’s Zumba for ALS

It’s that time of year…our #Zumbathon4ALS is back and better than ever! We’ve been posting information about our Zumbathon for a while now. It will be a great evening…the Baltimore Ravens cheerleaders will be there, Ravens ...
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Stick Around for the Stretch

You have just enough time in your busy schedule for a quick workout, and you manage to get to the gym in time for your favorite group fitness class. Class is just about to end ...
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Quiet Your Mind, Free Your Body

There are a lot of fitness trends out there. Have you tried the Star Wars workout, Karaoke Spin or Hula Hooping? What about circus workouts, wearing a high-altitude elevation training mask or crunning (running combined ...
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