Merritt Clubs Blog

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A Personal Invite From Trainer, Karen Martinez to A.L.I.V.E.

Pictured: Trainer, Karen Martinez with A.L.I.V.E. participants.
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Weight Loss Intervention

The Alive protocol is so effective and yields such great results for one reason, it presents the participant with such a wealth of information that one cannot help but become a health aficionado after completion ...
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Aggressive Lifestyle Intervention through Variable Exercise

My ALIVE client had exercise experience being a former high school/collegiate athlete, but many parts of his body were on a program of their own! He wanted to decrease the aches and pains he had ...
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Hypertension and weight loss

Please pass along my most sincere gratitude to Phil Kaplan and the Merritt Training Team for their huge role in helping me transform my health, and therefore my life via the A.L.I.V.E program. I want ...
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