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heart health

Healthy Foods Your Heart Desires

With Valentine’s Day just behind us, decorative hearts remain visible all over. This can help serve as a reminder that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United ...
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I Feel Your Heartbeat Beating

Happy Valentine’s Day! Many people think of February as the month of love, but it is also American Heart Month. Although heart disease may often be thought of as a problem for men, it is ...
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Can Cardio Help You Live Longer?

Well, it’s mid-January: that time when resolutions begin to lose their shine and real life becomes once again…well…real life. Did you make any resolutions for the new year? How’s it going? If one of your ...
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I Heart Cardio

February is American Heart Month and we are getting heart healthy! We want to help you learn all about how to keep your heart in shape and little ways to add activity to your day. ...
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Understanding Hypertension – Facts About Blood Pressure

When we have a good understanding of how our bodies work, we can take the steps needed to protect ourselves and live healthier lives.
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