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holiday tips

Don’t Get Scrooged for the Holidays

This is the joyful season, that time of year when we’re supposed to be happy, giving, and thankful. But hosting guests or traveling and being a guest in someone’s home for any length of time ...
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Holiday Feasting: A Survival Guide for the Healthy Eater

You don’t have to look far during this time of year to find highly-caloric and highly-delicious treats all around. At work, at home, at your friends’ and families’ homes, you’re sure to find platters stocked ...
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Fit for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is next week! It’s hard to believe. It seems like Halloween was just a couple of weeks ago and now we’re gearing up for the December holiday season. People are already having a tough ...
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5 Tips for a Healthy 4th of July

The 4th of July is one of our favorite holidays. Barbecue, beer, and beautiful weather make for the perfect day spent with friends and family, but also the perfect opportunity for a diet disaster. Don’t ...
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