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Our 5 Favorite Immunity-Boosting Foods

‘Tis the season for a cough, sniffle, or if you’re one of the unlucky ones, a bout with the flu. Instead of turning to your nearby drug store to keep you out of the doctor’s ...
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Holiday Feasting: A Survival Guide for the Healthy Eater

You don’t have to look far during this time of year to find highly-caloric and highly-delicious treats all around. At work, at home, at your friends’ and families’ homes, you’re sure to find platters stocked ...
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Challenge Accepted: Meat Cute

Well hello there tofu. It’s nice to meet you. And yes, I truly mean that because I thought you would taste awful.
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Gradually Reducing Salt and Sugar is Good for Your Healthy Lifestyle

Even if you know that cutting down on salt and sugar would be good for your healthy lifestyle, you may not get around to doing anything about it. When you’re feeling swamped with responsibilities at ...
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Replenish and Reward: Nutritious Meal Options for Post-Workout

You just had a killer workout, pushing yourself to the absolute limit. As you head home from the gym, dripping with self-satisfaction, it’s easy to want to reward yourself with junk food. But you worked hard, ...
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Challenge Accepted: Cut the Crave

Did you guys enjoy apple month?! I sure learned a lot about added sugar and junk food. Like for one, it’s delicious terrible for you. And it has a huge impact on your diet.
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How ‘Bout Them Apples?

We do believe the old saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and September is apple month! We are going all apple and teaching the benefits of this fabulous fruit. Let’s learn about ...
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5 Tips for a Healthy 4th of July

The 4th of July is one of our favorite holidays. Barbecue, beer, and beautiful weather make for the perfect day spent with friends and family, but also the perfect opportunity for a diet disaster. Don’t ...
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Challenge Accepted: Is That Even Food?

I really went for it this month and did the Whole30 diet. Yes, this diet is very expensive. I spent about 3 times more on food this month than normal, and I usually eat fairly ...
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Real Food for Thought

N-U-T-R-I-T-I-O-N time! Time to focus on what you put in your body. March is National Nutrition Month and we are here to help you build a better game plan for your kitchen. Learn about the ...
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Yogurt-Covered Pretzels: The Perfect Healthy Gift This Holiday Season

Health facts about yogurt have continuously made their way into the news. Most recently, topics up for discussion have included its probiotics, vitamin D and calcium content. Because it is obviously so healthy, why not use yogurt to make ...
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5 Nutrition Tips for Eating More Fruits and Vegetables

If you like nutrition advice that’s easy and gives you lots of choices for delicious meals and snacks, there’s one place to start. Eat more fruits and vegetables. They’re low in calories, high in the ...
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