Merritt Clubs Blog

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Check Up and Such…

Check Up and Such…

Week 6!!! Can you believe you made it this far?? Hows it going? How are you feeling? Are you ready to quit? Have you quit? Why the questions huh? Well, next Monday will mark my ...
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My NEW Biggest Loser Journey

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Diabetes vs. Personal Trainer

I was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes eleven years ago in my early twenties. Since then I have constantly struggled to get my A1C (three month average blood sugar) to a normal level. The average ...
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Weight Loss Baltimore

I recently found myself unable to fit into the formal dress I bought right before Christmas that was perfect for a gala I was attending at the beginning of this month. The holidays had made ...
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Merritt Holiday Party was amazing

I just want to write and say what an amazing time the holiday party at Merritt Athletic Clubs Downtown Athletic Club was last night. There were over 3,000 people there and the place did not ...
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Welcome to Merritt Athletic Clubs’ New Website!

We’ve made some exciting changes that we’d like to share with you:
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