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Healthy Thanksgiving

Healthy Thanksgiving

It seems like Labor Day was only yesterday and now the sun sets way too early, sweats are our outfits of choice, and the stress of the holidays is already creeping in. With Thanksgiving several ...
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An Apple a Day…

As the saying goes, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Among the world’s most popular fruit, there’s a lot of truth to this old adage. Apples are high in fiber, Vitamin C, potassium, ...
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Creative School Lunch

School hasn’t even been back in session for a full month, and yet, do you find yourself already bored packing the same lunches day after day? Does that PB&J look a little lackluster? Are you ...
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End of Summer- Last Hurrah

With fall looming in the distance and signs of Back to School sales in abundance, it seems like we blinked our eyes and summer is quickly coming to an end. Fortunately, there are still several ...
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I Scream, You Scream…

National Ice Cream Month
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How to Build a Better Salad

We all know the saying; April showers brings May flowers. Well along with those flowers (and the unfortunate resulting allergies), May brings us National Salad Month. There is no better time than now to seek ...
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5 Ways to Beat the Bloat

We all know the dreaded feeling when we can barely button our pants, our belly is so distended that we look far into our second trimester of pregnancy, and we’re terrified to leave the comforts ...
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Spring-Clean Your Diet

It’s hard to believe that with the unpredictability of March’s weather, springtime is right around the corner. Regardless of what Punxsutawney Phil said a short month ago, spring officially begins on March 20th.  In addition ...
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Our 5 Favorite Immunity-Boosting Foods

‘Tis the season for a cough, sniffle, or if you’re one of the unlucky ones, a bout with the flu. Instead of turning to your nearby drug store to keep you out of the doctor’s ...
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Holiday Feasting: A Survival Guide for the Healthy Eater

You don’t have to look far during this time of year to find highly-caloric and highly-delicious treats all around. At work, at home, at your friends’ and families’ homes, you’re sure to find platters stocked ...
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Staying Sane During Back to School

It seems like we wait all year for summer to arrive when we can finally relax, unwind, and have some fun. Once Memorial Day hits, vacations, BBQs, and other festivities fill our weeks and weekends ...
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