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Unplug to Connect

Unplug to Connect

After my dad passed away about a year and a half ago, I started attending Friday night services at my synagogue on a regular basis. Initially, this was so I could say the Mourner’s Kaddish ...
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How Cardio Became King

I’m sure by now you’ve heard that February is Heart Month. Merritt Clubs is offering many programs and classes throughout the month that support heart health and the American Heart Association. No matter your level ...
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Better with Friends

Do you have people? You know what I’m talking about…YOUR people. That friend you can count on or call on at any hour of the day or night. The person you see in the middle ...
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Just a Matter of Time

It’s that time of the year. The holidays are looming, college students are in the thick of finals, the short days pass very quickly, and everyone is rushing to finish shopping, studying, working, schlepping, and ...
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50 Squats a Day

When I teach classes that have squats in them, and that’s pretty much most of the classes I teach, people will often come up to me afterwards (or before) and tell me they can’t squat. ...
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Really…I’m Fine.

It’s a joke in my family that whenever someone asks, “How are you?”, the answer is always “I’m fine.” When I was young and would call my grandparents, they were always fine, and so were ...
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Ignite the Future

Public schools started last week, and classes are now in full swing. Time to focus on improving students’ performance in the classroom. Most people agree that physical activity is essential for healthy growth and development ...
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Progress, Not Perfection

After teaching BODY PUMP last night, a member told me that I always make the workout look easy. Well, that was news to me! It was a tough class and at times I felt like ...
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Stay Active and Fit While You Vacation

It’s mid-July and finally, FINALLY, you’re on vacation! You’ve planned, prepped, saved, and worked hard all year and now it’s time for that much-anticipated get-away. Whether you’re planning on complete relaxation with family or friends, ...
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Dream a Little Dream

When people talk about health and wellness, the conversation generally turns to diet and exercise. And yes, what you put into your body and how you move your body are important. But have you ever ...
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I Get by With a Little Help from My Friends

There was a discussion this morning in one of my Facebook groups about asking for help. A new member had taken a class and was reluctant to tell the instructor that she was having difficulty ...
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Put the Beat in Your Feet

Whether we are conscious of it or not, our lives have rhythm. We hear the tick-tock of the clock on the wall. When we walk or run, our gait has a certain tempo. There’s rhythm ...
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