A few years ago my wife wanted to try a Body Pump class at Merritt when it was first introduced. She asked me to go with her. I was absolutely against it, but sucked it up and went. I got through the class, but did my best to show that this class was nothing. I used the most weight possible and laughed the whole way through because I was actually struggling, but didn’t want anyone to know!
Well, during the holidays a few weeks ago, it happened again. I was approached by a member at the Towson location. She stopped and asked, “you can’t handle the Body Pump class?” I was tired from the holiday rush and I just wanted to get home and relax. I apologized saying that I wasn’t going to be able to make it. I went home and sat down to relax, however all I could hear was the member’s voice saying, “you can’t handle the body pump class!” over and over and over again. I couldn’t get it out of my head! I was so frustrated and all I could think was “I can handle the class!!!”
I jumped up, got into my work out clothes again and raced back to the Towson Merritt to catch the class. I passed Clancy as he gave me a funny look asking why I was back and quickly rushed into Joan’s Body Pump Class. I found the member who challenged me and stood next to her. This time I really took the time to listen to the instructor and follow the directions. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed the class! Most importantly, I was surprised at how great of a workout I accomplished. Afterward I thought…although I will never admit it to my wife…I wish I would have taken the time a few years ago to enjoy the class and appreciate the workout it provided.
I have since thanked that member for the challenge she presented to me that day. So in the end my suggestion to you would be to take the challenge I took that day! I have since attended many more of the classes provided with my membership and wish that I had done so a long time ago. I had no idea what I was missing and neither do you! What…you can’t handle it…???