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It’s Not About Resolutions, It’s About Decisions

It’s Not About Resolutions, It’s About Decisions

Here we are the start of another New Year. The clock resets and we hear the fireworks, with tons of people shouting, “This is going to be my year!” And look, I don’t want to kill the vibe, but it’s in my heart to tell you this: A new year doesn’t automatically mean a new you.

The same obstacles, excuses and distractions don’t magically disappear at midnight. I’m only saying this because I care. We care. At Merritt Clubs, we hate for you to look back a year from now and realize you didn’t go after the things that really matter. It’s a gut punch. And it’s one we never want anyone to feel.

So here’s what we want you to do. This time, 2025 isn’t about resolutions we’ll all forget by February. No – It’s about new DECISIONS. A decision to stop waiting to chase what’s been tugging at your heart. The only way this next year becomes the one you look back on with pride is if you make that decision now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Now.

Decide now that your dreams and more importantly YOU are worth the effort, the feeling silly, and the moments when you feel like you’re not ready. Decide that this year, you’re going to bet on YOU.

And you know what will happen? Once you make that decision that’s when the opportunities show up. Momentum builds, the right people start to notice and only then do things change. But it all starts with that one choice. So, as you’re welcoming in the New Year over the next 30 days, I want you to ask yourself:

What’s one thing I can do now to start living into the person I want to become in 2025? 

(Note: It’s not just about your fitness, no, it’s your mental health, your personal strength and energy, your ability to recover and step up again and again.  It’s the feeling your best and performing at your optimal levels.  It’s feeling good about you and the future you are building.)

You don’t have to have it all figured out. You just need to take the first step and decide. Here’s to a year of chasing the things that set your soul on fire 🙂 Happy New Year from all of us at Merritt!

