It’s officially the month of spring and a great time of year to take spring cleaning to a whole new level. Go green all March long by clean eating, removing toxins from your home, and taking advantage of all the fresh foods available. The trees are starting to bud, the birds are singing their songs, let’s head into these longer warmer days feeling vibrant and strong.
Clean eating is so important for your energy levels, metabolism and immune system. It starts by removing processed foods from your diet and trying to eat fresh whole foods as much as possible. It also means avoiding pesticides on our vegetables by choosing organic and local foods as often as you can. While cost can be prohibitive to going 100% organic with your foods, it’s a great idea to use the “Dirty Dozen” list as a guide for what should always be organic. This list includes fruits and vegetables where the skin is eaten and thin: strawberries, spinach, kale, peaches, pears, nectarines, apples, grapes, peppers, cherries, blueberries and green beans. Adding in all the fresh organic foods and removing boxed and/or processed foods will make you feel better and avoid any belly issues. Because your digestive system runs smoother by clean eating, you will boost your metabolism and energy all day long.
Going green internally by the foods that you eat is just as important as going green externally by the environment around you. Consider the products in your home, what you put on your body along with what you use to clean your house. Avoiding harsh chemicals will improve your immune system and health as toxic sprays can get into our bodies by way of our lungs and skin. Choose cleaning products that are free from: parabens, formaldehyde and (PFAS). You could even make your own cleaning products with vinegar, water and lemon juice (see recipe below!) For your skin care, choose make-ups and toiletries that are naturally based. An at home moisturizer option would be whipping up coconut oil with your favorite essential oil! Remember, anything that is put onto your skin or breathed in is absorbed throughout your whole body, so choose clean natural products at home.
And of course what better way to clean up in March than by eating all of your greens? Prefer them fresh, roasted or steamed, no matter what, there are plenty of options for getting your intake of veggies. Spinach in your morning omelette, romaine with your chicken salad at lunch, and roasted brussels with your dinner time steak are delicious options to add those extra greens. Packed with immune boosting zinc, vitamin c and phytochemicals, increasing your veggie intake all month with satiate your hunger and keep you energized.
Spring is a time of renewal and freshness, so let’s kick it off strong with clean eating and a healthy environment. Happy March!
All Natural All -Purpose Cleaner:
- One part vinegar
- One part water
- Lemond rind
- Rosemary sprigs
Combine in a glass bottle, shake and spray!