Dear Marcia,
Because of my schedule, I often buy frozen dinners or packaged foods that are low-fat or low in carbs. I see it as a healthy alternative to fast food but my sister tells me that they are equally unhealthy. Is she right?Jacklyn Roberts, Columbia Maryland
Dear Jacklyn,
Your sister is right.
Processed foods are everywhere.
Our kitchen cabinets are full of it. Grocery store shelves are overflowing with it. We eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. They taste good. They’re easy. And they’re economical. But processed foods are at the root of the obesity epidemic and to lose weight, you have to shift your mind to eat foods that are raw, fresh or frozen.
Processed foods originated with the advance of industrialization. To extend shelf life, improve taste and offer convenience, foods were canned, packaged, dehydrated, refrigerated, frozen, or pasteurized.
Even though packaging may claim the food is low-fat, have no trans-fat, or be low in carbs, it doesn’t make the food healthy.
Processed foods that hurt your diet include canned foods, foods with refined white flour, high-calorie snack foods, frozen dinners, sugary cereals, packaged cookies, and processed meats. Any and all processed foods made with saturated fats, trans-fats, or high amounts of sugar and sodium should be avoided at all costs.
Keep in mind Jacklyn that not all processed food is bad for you. The pasteurization of milk kills harmful bacteria. Frozen fish, fruits, and vegetables; whole grain breads; juices; and packaged oatmeal are all examples of perfectly healthy processed foods.
Process foods cause weight gain because they are low in fiber. Fiber-rich foods such as fruits, veggies, and whole grains keep you feeling fuller longer. When you’re not as hungry, you eat fewer calories, and are therefore on your way to losing or maintaining your weight without even trying. Processed foods keep you hungry and what you don’t use, gets stored as fat.
So what should you eat?
A diet of fewer processed foods will help you maintain a healthy weight, give you more energy, and prevent chronic health conditions. Aim to eat more fresh and whole foods in their natural state. This includes fresh or frozen fruits and veggies and whole grains.
Knowing what you’re eating, knowing where your food came from, and knowing each ingredient is important and keeps your weight right where you want it.
Good luck.