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cardio workouts

How Cardio Became King

I’m sure by now you’ve heard that February is Heart Month. Merritt Clubs is offering many programs and classes throughout the month that support heart health and the American Heart Association. No matter your level ...
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Workout Tips for a Healthy Heart

Did you know February is American Heart Month? While maintaining a healthy heart should not be restricted to just this month, we do want to use this time to help you prevent heart disease. Here ...
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Can Cardio Help You Live Longer?

Well, it’s mid-January: that time when resolutions begin to lose their shine and real life becomes once again…well…real life. Did you make any resolutions for the new year? How’s it going? If one of your ...
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I Heart Cardio

February is American Heart Month and we are getting heart healthy! We want to help you learn all about how to keep your heart in shape and little ways to add activity to your day. ...
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How Much Cardio is Too Much Cardio?

Cardio is well-known for having wonderful benefits for the body. It helps with weight loss, helps to control blood sugar and helps reduce fatigue. However, there is such a thing as too much cardio, and it can ...
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Here’s the Best Time to Do Cardio Exercise

Shawn Arent, director of the Rutgers University Center for Health and Human Preferences, addressed a long-time concern of people trying to get the most positive effect for their workouts. When is the best time to ...
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Diary of a Fitness Newbie: Oh I Wanna Dance With Somebody

Holy dance moves Batman! Okay, so maybe BODYATTACK isn’t really dancing, at least presumably not compared to Zumba or BODYJAM. But it is still a very fast-paced choreographed routine that I was not great at. And when I ...
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How to Implement More Cardio Into Your Daily Life

As you probably already know, incorporating cardio into your life is important. Getting enough cardiovascular exercise is good for your heart and the rest of your body, it can provide you with more energy, and it can ...
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