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coping with stress

Adjust Your Mindset

“Watch your thoughts, they become Words. Watch your words, they become Actions. Watch your actions, they become Habits. Watch your habits, for they become your Character. Watch your character, for it becomes your Destiny.” -the ...
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Don’t Get Scrooged for the Holidays

This is the joyful season, that time of year when we’re supposed to be happy, giving, and thankful. But hosting guests or traveling and being a guest in someone’s home for any length of time ...
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De-clutter Your Mind

Make you and your mental health a priority this month. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary. Focus on cutting out clutter in your life and things that cause you anxiety. We all deal with problems every ...
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Stop Stressing

Time to put a little balance back in your life. April is Stress Awareness Month and we are focusing on helping you relieve some stress through yoga, meditation, acupuncture and massage. Stress is based in ...
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