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kids swimming

Fearless Fishies – How Swim Classes Help Kids Build Confidence

Frequently, parents sign their kids up for swim classes just to give them something to do, expend energy, and keep them busy. Swimming lessons are a great way to make kids safer around the water ...
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Three Competitive Swimming Opportunities Through Merritt Clubs

For some people, swimming has been a part of their lives from a young age. For other people, while they want to be a good swimmer, they only have a little swimming experience. Luckily, at ...
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6 Tips to Prep Your Child for Swim Lessons

Spring is in the air, and parents are beginning to think about getting their little ones registered for swim lessons.  Some children are fearless when it comes to the water, but others are a little ...
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Kids’ Fitness: Great Ways for the Kids to Have Fun in the Water

Great times await you and other families that sign up for a Merritt Athletic Clubs’ membership this year. That’s a given. What you might not be so sure about is how to make the most ...
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