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Merritt Athletics

Group Fitness Classes

Many individuals are still not sure about group fitness classes or their environment. At first I would agree but after participating in many different classes I began to grow a fond liking to quite a ...
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Merritt Athletic Clubs Debuts New “Merritt Minute” Video Series

Merritt Athletic Clubs, an industry and community leader in health and fitness, announced this week the launch of the “Merritt Minute” video series. The new series of tips, exercises and demonstrations will be showcased in ...
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You can’t handle the…

A few years ago my wife wanted to try a Body Pump class at Merritt when it was first introduced. She asked me to go with her. I was absolutely against it, but sucked it ...
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Merritt Holiday Party was amazing

I just want to write and say what an amazing time the holiday party at Merritt Athletic Clubs Downtown Athletic Club was last night. There were over 3,000 people there and the place did not ...
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Welcome to Merritt Athletic Clubs’ New Website!

We’ve made some exciting changes that we’d like to share with you:
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