Merritt Clubs Blog

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End of Summer- Last Hurrah

With fall looming in the distance and signs of Back to School sales in abundance, it seems like we blinked our eyes and summer is quickly coming to an end. Fortunately, there are still several ...
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Quick Safety Tips for Summer Workouts

With the summer heat upon us it is important to protect yourself when working out. Remember, adequate sun protection is key. Wear sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, and hydrate more than you think you need to. You’d ...
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Vacation Planning: Tips for Staying Fit

Okay so you booked your time off for your well-deserved and much anticipated vacation.  However, you’re a committed and devoted exerciser. So how do you keep going while away and not let your vacation sidetrack ...
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Stay Fit This Summer

It’s Summer – Have Fun and Still Stay Fit Summer is hot and all you want to do is lay by the pool.  Who can blame you? It’s cool, refreshing and much more fun.  Yet ...
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Beat the Heat

Summer is here and the heat is red hot. I have a workout scheduled for tonight, but I am on the fence. Part of me doesn’t want to skip the workout but the other part ...
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