On 9/2/24 Express clubs will be staffed until 12pm & can be accessed anytime using keycards. All other clubs will operate regular hours.

Merritt Clubs Blog

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Health & Wellness

How Cardio Became King

I’m sure by now you’ve heard that February is Heart Month. Merritt Clubs is offering many programs and classes throughout the month that support heart health and the American Heart Association. No matter your level ...
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Winter Fitness for Kids

Most kids stay active throughout the summer, as the sun is out and the weather is warm. When the winter months come around, many kids tend to get lazy and are not as active. This ...
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Stressed Out? The Simple Science Behind Stress

Stress that is left unchecked can lead to a wide range of mental and physical health problems. We all know stress can contribute to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and headaches, but did you know ...
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The Balancing Act: How Making Small Adjustments Can Make a Big Difference

There is no master key to living a healthy life, and no one solution is going to be the answer to making life simple. Finding balance in your daily routine and making adjustments to the ...
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Don’t Skimp on Sleep

Another holiday season has come and gone and if you’re at home for the next few days enjoying your freedom until the reality of Monday rolls around, consider using this time to catch up on ...
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Make it a SMART 2020

As 2019 winds down, our minds are filled with holiday plans, a long list of to-dos, and the beginning stages of setting resolutions for 2020. Goal setting is important because goals give us direction and ...
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Just a Matter of Time

It’s that time of the year. The holidays are looming, college students are in the thick of finals, the short days pass very quickly, and everyone is rushing to finish shopping, studying, working, schlepping, and ...
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Really…I’m Fine.

It’s a joke in my family that whenever someone asks, “How are you?”, the answer is always “I’m fine.” When I was young and would call my grandparents, they were always fine, and so were ...
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Pink Hair Because I Care

In 1997, my grandmother lost her battle with breast cancer at the age of 73. Since I was so young, most of my memories of her consist of how magnanimous she was, that she inspired ...
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Ignite the Future

Public schools started last week, and classes are now in full swing. Time to focus on improving students’ performance in the classroom. Most people agree that physical activity is essential for healthy growth and development ...
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End of Summer- Last Hurrah

With fall looming in the distance and signs of Back to School sales in abundance, it seems like we blinked our eyes and summer is quickly coming to an end. Fortunately, there are still several ...
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Stay Active and Fit While You Vacation

It’s mid-July and finally, FINALLY, you’re on vacation! You’ve planned, prepped, saved, and worked hard all year and now it’s time for that much-anticipated get-away. Whether you’re planning on complete relaxation with family or friends, ...
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