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Frightful Fitness

It’s hard to believe, but Halloween is next week. And, it’s not a far leap to see Thanksgiving and the December holidays just around the corner. Depending on how you look at it, Halloween could ...
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An Apple a Day…

As the saying goes, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Among the world’s most popular fruit, there’s a lot of truth to this old adage. Apples are high in fiber, Vitamin C, potassium, ...
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Creative School Lunch

School hasn’t even been back in session for a full month, and yet, do you find yourself already bored packing the same lunches day after day? Does that PB&J look a little lackluster? Are you ...
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Should You Have A Pre Workout Meal?

Going to the gym on an empty stomach isn’t for everyone. Though you burn more calories working out without eating first, it is likely that you will not have enough energy to do an intense ...
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Recipe Makeovers – Ways to Improve Ingredients and Make Healthy Swaps

Cooking at home is a great way to incorporate healthy foods into your diet; however, reviewing recipe ingredients and instructions can have you questioning what is actually healthy and what is in need of a ...
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I Scream, You Scream…

National Ice Cream Month
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Eat Clean By Eating Breakfast

Everyone has heard how important breakfast is. But for some reason many people still refuse to eat it. And believe us, we have heard all of the excuses. Some people say they aren’t hungry in ...
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Smoothie Bowls: Tasty and Satisfying

If you’re reading this, chances are you care deeply about your health and well-being. You’ve either been consistently following a healthy, balanced diet or you’ve reached a point in life where you’re ready to start. ...
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How to Build a Better Salad

We all know the saying; April showers brings May flowers. Well along with those flowers (and the unfortunate resulting allergies), May brings us National Salad Month. There is no better time than now to seek ...
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Healthy Green Recipes

St. Patrick’s Day, one of the biggest eating and drinking holidays in the US, has come and gone. But that doesn’t mean we should stop the green eating! Instead, try some of our registered dietitian Charlotte ...
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Spring-Clean Your Diet

It’s hard to believe that with the unpredictability of March’s weather, springtime is right around the corner. Regardless of what Punxsutawney Phil said a short month ago, spring officially begins on March 20th.  In addition ...
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Your Healthy Gut: Probiotics

Probiotics have been getting a lot of press, particularly over the past few years in the United States. While they might sound like the cutting edge of medicine though, probiotics have actually been around for ...
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