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Workout Tips

Can Spring Cleaning Be a Workout?

It’s that time of year; the sun is coming out, flowers are blooming, and you feel the urge to clean up. Spring cleaning seems like just another task to add to your to-do list, just ...
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5 Essential Gym Etiquette Rules to Know

Nearly two months into the new year, your local gym is likely still bustling with first-timers, new regulars, and gym veterans. Whether you’ve been a gym-goer for months or years, it’s important to keep up ...
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Properly Using Weight Machines

No matter how long an individual has been attending the gym, understanding how to set up a weight machine properly can be a challenging task.
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3 Tips for Overcoming Temptations That Derail Your Fitness Progress

Having a fitness program in place is essential, however, something that is just as important is making sure that you stick with it. There are often a lot of things that can happen in life ...
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5 Easy Steps to a Summer Fit Body

Wondering how you can get fit this summer? Are you lacking motivation or looking for guidance? We got you covered with these five easy steps!
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5 Ways To Fit Exercise Into Your Busy Schedule

Working out isn’t just a way to stay fit, it’s also a great way to relax and increase your well-being.  For many people, unwinding at the gym is a go-to method for managing the stress ...
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Exercises to Relieve Back Pain

A natural response to back pain is to avoid strenuous activity and rest. This is far from the truth. While resting for a day or two after the onset of back pain or injury may ...
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5 Tips to Kickstart Your Weight Loss Goals

Curious about where to start on your weight loss journey? Get back to basics with these effective fat-loss tips.
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9 Tips When Planning to Work Out Won’t Work

There are many benefits to working out, such as heart disease prevention, mood improvement, and better sleep. However, despite the many foreseeable benefits, it can still be difficult to find the motivation to get up and ...
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What You Need to Know About Recovering After Workouts

Post-workout recovery is a critical time for your body to repair and energize. Without proper nourishment, it is difficult for tissues and organs to function at an optimal level. Here’s a closer look at why ...
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Exercises for a Healthy Heart

Going to the gym regularly is an important part of keeping your heart healthy. But you may be wondering, “What kind of exercises are best for heart health?” Aerobic exercise and resistance training are some ...
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Struggling to Go Work Out at the Gym?

We’ve all been there: The gym bag is packed, sneaks are right there waiting but the alarm goes off and we hit “snooze” and then snooze again because we could always just go after work ...
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