Merritt Clubs Blog

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Trainer Q&A: Building a Community on the Fitness Floor

Trainer Q&A: Building a Community on the Fitness Floor

Everybody knows Bruce Lee. And if you work out at Merritt Clubs Cranbrook, chances are you’ve had at least one conversation with him. That’s because Bruce is the type of guy who cares about every ...
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Trainer Q&A: Just Keep Moving

It is no secret that exercise is an integral part of a healthy life. But what happens when we get older and our bodies age, and being sedentary looks a lot more appealing? Why do ...
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Trainer Q&A: Corrective Exercise and Movement Patterns

You enter the gym, choose a machine, set the weight, and do your thing. Lather, rinse, repeat.  And then you stop and wonder, “Have I been working out properly? Am I moving my body the right ...
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Trainer Q&A: Fast, Strong, Explosive

Young athletes, check this out. If you want to excel in your sport while at the same time reduce the chance of getting injured, Merritt Clubs Eldersburg trainer Josh Kruhm is your guy. He and ...
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Trainer Q&A: Box Like a Girl

It’s tough being a woman in a man’s world. But then again, “tough” is a word that would best describe Merritt Clubs trainer Courtney Feldheim. The Math-teacher-turned-boxer-slash-coach-slash-personal-trainer has endured struggles being a female athlete in ...
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Trainer Q&A: Holiday Tips and Getting Out of the Comfort Zone

We’re back with another installment to the Q&A series with our trainers. This month we chatted with DJ Manley from the Downtown Club and asked for some tips on how to stay healthy and fit ...
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Trainer Q&A: Surpassing Limits and Keeping Things Simple

Sometimes you just want to hear straight from the pros – so welcome to a new series on the Merritt Clubs blog! Every month we will chat with one of our trainers as they impart ...
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