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Group Fitness: Unplugged

Group Fitness: Unplugged

When was the last time you were able to go for any length of time without looking at your smartphone? An hour? Two hours? Ten minutes? Our electronic devices are an essential part of our ...
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Why You Need to Try a Group Fitness Class

Think group exercise classes are just loud music, fast movements, and mob-mentality? Think again. Group fitness offers social opportunities, mental health benefits, and psychological support. Safe and effective workouts in a fun and social environment, ...
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Thinking About Making a New Year’s Resolution? Don’t.

Beginning to think about a New Year’s Resolution? Are you resolving to lose weight, declutter your home, eat clean, exercise more, quit smoking, learn a new language? Are you setting the bar higher than ever, ...
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5 Benefits of Fitness Trackers

Although it may seem like fitness trackers are a new trend, wearable technology has actually been around since the 17th century.  In 1965, Dr. Yoshiro Hatano, Japanese professor at Kyushu University of Health and Welfare, ...
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Change it Up!

When was the last time you changed your fitness routine, stepped out of your comfort zone, tried a new class format or even participated in a group class?
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If the Heat Doesn’t Get You…

Tips for Exercising in Hot Weather Summer has arrived. Not officially until next week, but the temperatures the past few days have definitely felt summer-like.
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