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bigstock-Strong-Turkey-On-Plate-With-Ga-154349399Thanksgiving is next week! It’s hard to believe. It seems like Halloween was just a couple of weeks ago and now we’re gearing up for the December holiday season. People are already having a tough time getting to the Club to workout. It’s cold. It’s dark early. It’s been raining for months. We’re all tired and stressed. And did I mention it’s cold, it’s dark early, it’s been raining for months? How are we to cope with the upcoming holidays while maintain our healthy lifestyles? Below are some strategies that will keep you active through the holidays and into the winter months.

  • Before we even get to Thanksgiving, see if you can figure out what triggers occur that could cause you to skip a workout. Once you’re aware of these, it’s easier to come up with a plan to minimize their impact. For example, if opportunities crop up in the evening that prevent you from getting in your workout, it may be better to exercise in the morning.
  • Use Thanksgiving Day or December as an opportunity to get active with your family. Run a Turkey Trot or other holiday-themed race together, or just take a walk around the neighborhood. Play a family football game. Have a dance party. Play tag or Hide-and-Seek with the little ones. Panic clean before guests arrive.
  • The holiday season is a great time to utilize a fitness app. Fitness apps can tell you whether you’re getting enough sleep (7-9 hours per night), motivate you to get in 10,000 steps a day, and will generally just keep you moving.
  • Find a workout buddy or accountability partner to help keep you both motivated. Studies show that people are much more likely to show up when they know someone is expecting them.
  • Try changing the way you work out. Don’t have time for a full-fledged exercise session or class? Try something different like a HIIT workout, Tribe, or any type of workout that utilizes compound muscle groups and combines strength and cardio training.
  • Set a fitness goal such as running a new race or distance, trying a new class, or even going on vacation that involves hiking, skiing, or on-foot sightseeing. Having a short-term goal that needs to happen in January or February will help you stay committed and consistent.
  • And speaking about fitness goals, why not join the Merritt Holiday Challenge? Don’t use the holiday season as an excuse not to exercise! Work out at least 20 times in the club from November 15th to January 15th. We’ll provide random holiday workouts, fitness tips, healthy holiday meal seminars, and goodies throughout the Challenge to ensure you stay motivated. And, if you need more of a reason to join, after January 15th, all participants who have successfully completed the Challenge will receive a Merritt winter beanie. Register at any Merritt Clubs location today so you don’t miss out!

