In January, you’re faced with a new year – a fresh, clean calendar, endless opportunity in front of you, and that annual promise to exercise more. But as we’re now trudging through fall, and the newness has long since worn off, where can you pull that motivation to visit the health club from?
Here are our best five tips:
1. Create your own “newness.” Spice things up with some new digs, kicks, tunes – whatever it takes. Shiny new workout clothes and shoes make it easier to get up and out the door, and a fresh playlist will keep you moving even longer on our the treadmills or in class.
2. Schedule it. Write it in red in your planner. Highlight your exercise slots in Outlook. Set reminders and alarms, and treat your workout time with as much importance as a meeting with your most important client.
3. Blog it out. Start a blog and round up a few followers. Commit to blog about your workout times for the rest of 2015. Give yourself a push through the holidays. With friends, family members and cyberspace followers hanging on your every word, you’ll be less likely to skip a day….and definitely not an entire week.
4. Bribe yourself. Write down your goals and your rewards. Is a 14-day streak worth a splurge at your favorite store? Maybe you’ll meet your month’s goal and invest in new earbuds. Think of what motivates you most and don’t allow yourself to have it until you meet that fitness goal.
5. Buddy up and challenge each other. Just like in school, the buddy system is a great safety net. Commit to each other and share your personal goals. Having someone to keep you accountable works wonders. You can even create a contest between you. Skip a workout? Pay the cheat jar $5. At the end of the month, the victor with the most workouts keeps the cash.
And if you need even more ideas and motivation to exercise, contact us! We’re here to help you make the most of each workout and achieve your fittest, healthiest you all year long.