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Lifestyle Change with Personal Trainer Eric “Scott” Landers

Lifestyle Change with Personal Trainer Eric “Scott” Landers

“I am so glad you made me do lunges!”

Can you be grateful for lunges…why yes you can? This is what I sent to Eric after a grueling day of skiing. And even though I was tired and exhausted, I was able to accomplish so much more on this year’s ski trip.

I had been working with Eric since the fall, but really picked up the pace in December 2010. On the New Year’s Day, I told him I wanted to lose weight, have Michelle Obama-like arms, and run in a 5K…he said, “Good to have goals; now let’s get to work.” After the first of the year, I picked it up another notch and began to see Eric at least two times a week or three times depending on my work travel schedule. In between our sessions, I would go to the gym on my own and began to use a heart monitor that Eric had recommended to keep track of my activity levels. At first, the scale was not moving and I was getting discouraged. Eric suggested taking my body measurements and that helped, because even though the scale may have been stuck some weeks, my body was changing!

So what makes a good trainer?

Passion! Knowledge! Availability! Humor! Eric possesses all of these in spades. Eric is passionate about what he does and enjoys working with his clients. He continually educates himself on the current literature as well as continuing education. Not only can he answer my exercise and nutrition questions (I am using Weight Watchers), he can offer tips on improvement. Oh and availability, Eric will answer my questions via text or email. Humor…well I’m here to tell you that you can throw a medicine ball, pant like a dog, sweat profusely and still laugh!


My posture and energy level has improved dramatically. I no longer take anti-inflammatory medicine on a regular basis. I have fewer migraines. I have run my first 4 mile race in April 2011, preparing for another 5K in a week. My newest fitness goal is to compete and complete a triathlon. And while it isn’t just the numbers, the numbers are very good. In a little over six months, I have lost 38 pounds, 12 inches in my waist, 7 inches on my hips, 6 inches around my back, almost 3 inches on my arms. My cholesterol readings have gone from a total of 208 to 178, with a 26 point drop in my LDL (the bad cholesterol). I couldn’t have done it without Eric…and this is just the beginning!

About me:

47 years old, mother of 5, grandmother of 1. I have two teenagers at home and a 7 year old. My husband and I own a growing health care consulting business that requires us to travel frequently. So please don’t tell me, “I don’t have the time.” If you want it, you’ll make the time. Drag your child to the gym, register them for kid fit, play with them in the X-Arcade, and get them swimming. You are your child’s first fitness role model…don’t blow it.


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