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It’s Summer – Have Fun and Still Stay Fit

Summer is hot and all you want to do is lay by the pool.  Who can blame you? It’s cool, refreshing and much more fun.  Yet we know we need to get in the gym and still strengthen our hearts, improve our muscles and burn those calories.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could burn those calories without having to constantly work out? Well, this summer you can. Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still spend time exercising at the gym. You still need to build those muscles. But it’s good to know that many of your everyday activities are burning those calories.

What Activities Burn Calories?

Since it’s summertime you are naturally more active. You may be getting to all those outdoor chores and projects that you have been putting off, such as getting your yard in tip-top shape: cutting the lawn, trimming the hedges and getting things ready for entertaining.  You may be crossing off your home to-do lists.  These activities not only burn calories, but also improve your cardiovascular health.

Here are some typical summer activities that help burn calories and keep you active and fit.

Yard Work
Even fairly low-key activities such as planting flowers and pulling some pesky weeds burn between 200 to 400 calories an hour. That’s not bad at all. Mowing the lawn is comparable, but if you really want to up the burn, try more intensive yard work like raking. If you really get going, you can burn between 400 to 600 calories per hour. But hold on, don’t wish for fall just yet to those leaves falling.

Home Improvement
Thinking of painting, power washing the siding, or putting a new roof on? It’s a big job. Doing these for a few hours (3-4) can burn over 1,000 calories, so break out the ladders, grab the tools and get going. Just remember it’s hot and you need to stay properly hydrated.  See previous posts for proper hydration.

Home Household Chores

Gearing up to entertain – have to shop, clean, mop floors, dust and organize closets all before guests arrive.  These daily chores, when coupled into one big day and the hours getting ready, not only gets your heart rate moving and gets you sweating – they burn calories. So go ahead, have that summer party; get yourself moving burn calories and then sit back and enjoy the company and have some well-deserved R&R.

As you can see in addition to your normal exercise routine, working around the house or even running errands can burn calories too. Knowing this may make you feel better that this summer you can stay active and still keep that metabolism burning.  So go ahead and hit the pool, chill out, enjoy yourself. Remember fitness is a journey; enjoy the trip.

