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biggest loser club

Check Up and Such…

Week 6!!! Can you believe you made it this far?? Hows it going? How are you feeling? Are you ready to quit? Have you quit? Why the questions huh? Well, next Monday will mark my ...
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Dark Chocolate Chip Banana Bites

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My NEW Biggest Loser Journey

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Reach Metabolic Weight Loss Goals with Merritt Athletic Clubs’ Help

High five for personal dead lift record!
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Gary’s Secret To Losing 106 Pounds + How To Fight The Effects Of Aging

Gary Desper adds back “The Healthy Years!” “In my 20s, I was focused on starting a family, completing law school and beginning my career. I did not take anytime to care for myself. I ate ...
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Best Body Fat Analyzer Coming To Merritt July 11th

Weight loss was not the best measurement for determing one’s progress in the gym. The tool I think is the most important for analyzing one’ physique is body fat, because a lower body fat is ...
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Diabetes vs. Personal Trainer

I was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes eleven years ago in my early twenties. Since then I have constantly struggled to get my A1C (three month average blood sugar) to a normal level. The average ...
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How to figure out the Protein Puzzle

Many people know of the importance of protein in your diet. Simply put protein is the main source behind muscle building/maintenance. It does not have a huge “energy yield,” like carbohydrates and good fat sources ...
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Time to Jump In

The Biggest Loser Program at Merritt Athletic Clubs is back and ready to put you on track for 2011! This 12 Week Program includes 24 small group training sessions, before and after measurements, group challenge ...
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