health tips

Strengthening Your Mindset and Practicing Gratitude in Order to Stay Fit
We all want to have strong bodies — strong legs, strong glutes, a strong core, a strong upper body, and strong arms – but what we also have to focus on is having a strong ...
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5 Ways to Beat the Bloat
We all know the dreaded feeling when we can barely button our pants, our belly is so distended that we look far into our second trimester of pregnancy, and we’re terrified to leave the comforts ...
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Our 5 Favorite Immunity-Boosting Foods
‘Tis the season for a cough, sniffle, or if you’re one of the unlucky ones, a bout with the flu. Instead of turning to your nearby drug store to keep you out of the doctor’s ...
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Sitting is Killing You
Are you sitting down? Are you comfortable? That’s too bad, because it’s probably killing you.
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Health Tip of the Month – July
Each month, will offer a tip in living a healthy lifetsyle. July will start it off with the first tip. Tip #1: Focus on what you can do right now & forget the rest! It’s easy ...
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Five Steps To A Healthier Lifestyle
Many people want to adopt a healthy lifestyle. However, there are so many choices out there that it can be confusing. You might not even know where to start. Do you pick just one to ...
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Healthy Lifestyle: 5 Reasons to Fill Your Basket with Blackberries
For everyone hoping to adopt or maintain a healthy lifestyle, the summer months are prime time to fill up baskets with blackberries. Despite their small size, the seasonal fruit really packs a sweet punch when ...
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A Healthy Lifestyle Should Also Include Healthy Snacking
Healthy snacking is just as important to a diet and living a healthy lifestyle as is eating a healthy meal. So while reaching for a bag of chips and a soda during a break once ...
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Exercise Your Options: Great Tasting Snacks without Harmful Trans Fat
If you exercise your options and eat handcrafted fish jerky, you may notice that something is missing. It’s trans fat and given all of the latest news, that’s a wonderful thing. In case the headlines passed ...
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