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Weight Loss

3 Ways to Reward Yourself for Losing Weight

Setting rewards for reaching your short term and long term weight loss goals is a good idea to boost your esteem and keep you on track. The problem is that you may not know what ...
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7 Liquid Calorie Tips for Losing Weight

Maybe you’re keeping track of every bite you eat, but what about that Iced Caramel Macchiato you just inhaled? Try these 7 suggestions that will help you to keep liquid calories from messing up your ...
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New Year’s Resolutions and Habits

New Year’s is quickly fading away. As we sit here today, 8% of our year is already gone.  Most people who set resolutions this year are scratching their heads, struggling or have already abandoned the goal.
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How to Keep Motivation for Weight Loss

Is a weight loss program part of your 2017 New Year’s resolution? A regular exercise program that includes cardio, strength training, and flexibility will improve your health and fitness levels and may result in weight ...
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Healthy Lifestyle and Weight Loss Tips to Remember When You’re at Work

When you’re at home, it might be easy to focus on preparing healthy meals, heading to the gym for a workout and otherwise working toward your health and weight loss goals. However, chances are good that ...
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Revamp Your New Year’s Resolution and Spring Into Better Health

I think we’re all guilty of “falling” into the uphill battle of life during winter, or getting sucked into making our own health a second priority. And with more than 68% of Americans being classified ...
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Metabolic Weight Loss Versus Metabolic Syndrome

If you want to realize the full potential of metabolic weight loss, you need to protect yourself from metabolic syndrome. This cluster of conditions has been growing at an alarming rate. Fortunately, most people can ...
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7 Mindful Eating Techniques to Holiday Proof Your Metabolic Weight Loss

A couple months of holiday weight gain can set back your metabolic weight loss for the rest of your life. That’s because most people never shed those extra pounds, and so they build up year after ...
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Broccoli Parmesan Fritters

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3 Reasons to drink the CrossFit KoolAid

Looking at these pictures, I am reminded of why I love CrossFit. I can see the agony and determination on our faces. What’s more difficult to see is the the elation. This was one of ...
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