Merritt Clubs Blog

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Beat the Heat

Summer is here and the heat is red hot. I have a workout scheduled for tonight, but I am on the fence. Part of me doesn’t want to skip the workout but the other part ...
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Electrify Your Workouts to Get Faster Results

Well it’s that time of year – bathing suit season. Pause for a moment and don’t scream.  Having dealt with this for years I have uncovered a few simple ways to electrify your workouts to ...
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Use Foam Rollers to Maintain a Healthy Life in Your Gym Workouts

Foam rollers are a common sight at the gym. Why? No less an authority than the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) notes that working a foam roller, either before or after your main gym ...
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Exercise Your Options: 4 Strategies to Increase Body Tone

Have you hit a rut or reached a plateau in your workout regimen? Then it is time to exercise your options. Try implementing these new strategies in your weekly workout plan to boost metabolism, burn ...
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4 Ways Keep Your Joints Healthy

People that get into exercise often neglect to pay attention to the health of their joints. As a result, they often do serious damage to these vital parts of the body. Learn how to exercise ...
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Beat Holiday Stress With These Easy Steps

Beat Holiday Stress With These Easy Steps
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To work out or not to work out during the holidays?

Tis the season for in-laws, sugar infused children, butter and skipping workouts. Most of us have a hard time deciding whether to postpone our fitness goals until after the holidays or to stick it out ...
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Great Sports that Lead to Weight Loss and a Healthy Lifestyle (Part 1)

Those who are searching for easy sports that they can do for a healthy lifestyle and to put themselves on the fast track for weight loss are in luck. There are a large number of sports that have been ...
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3 Tips for a Healthy Life, head to a Baltimore, MD Gym

Hoping to find your way towards living a healthier lifestyle but clueless about where to even begin? Read the following post for three easy to implement tips that will have you living a much healthier life. ...
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Did you know Stretching helps prevents back pain ?

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Did you know Mango juice can prevent cancer?

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