On 9/2/24 Express clubs will be staffed until 12pm & can be accessed anytime using keycards. All other clubs will operate regular hours.

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Health & Wellness

Premiere Fitness Health Club

Choosing to join a gym is a big decision and can truly be an overwhelming process. Whether you’re working out at home and feel the gym would offer more inspiration or are only just beginning ...
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Going Back to School? Why Merritt Clubs Will Help Boost Your Grades

College is a challenge for just about everybody, but even more so for students who have been out of the classroom for awhile. If you’re concerned about grades, there are two reasons why a regular ...
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I Need a Vacation…From My Vacation!

You recently returned from a fantastic summer vacation…a week spent enjoying family and friends at the ocean. A time filled with nonstop activities, late nights and a jam-packed schedule of fun.  It was no doubt ...
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Conquering the Healthy Lifestyle: 4 Easy-Fix Ways to Making Healthy Habits Stick

One of the biggest challenges as a healthy person is sticking with a goal long enough that it becomes a habit. For most of us, habits appear to be a test of willpower. We read ...
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Keep Your Children Active This Summer With Rice Balloons

Summer break is upon us, and we know it is important to you that your children stay active. Kids fitness is the best kind of fitness, because it is all fun and games! Using only two common ...
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Kids’ Fitness: How to Encourage Your Child to Be More Active

Nowadays, many kids spend more time looking at a screen than they do playing actively. Although technology can be a great thing, this decreased activity can really have a negative impact on kids’ fitness and can contribute ...
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Let the Clock Decide if You are Getting Enough Sleep

We know we should get eight hours of sleep each night as part of a healthy life, but there are no Sleep Police, so we don’t hold ourselves to that standard.  Many of us designate ...
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Healthy Lifestyle and Weight Loss Tips to Remember When You’re at Work

When you’re at home, it might be easy to focus on preparing healthy meals, heading to the gym for a workout and otherwise working toward your health and weight loss goals. However, chances are good that ...
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Revamp Your New Year’s Resolution and Spring Into Better Health

I think we’re all guilty of “falling” into the uphill battle of life during winter, or getting sucked into making our own health a second priority. And with more than 68% of Americans being classified ...
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Study Shows an Association Between Exercise and Brain Health Later in Life

For those in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s, it feels like life is moving at warp speed. Between a career, household responsibilities, raising children, and other family commitments, the one thing that often gets put ...
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How to Get Your Entire Family On Board with Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Old habits can die hard, and even though you might be ready to transition to a healthy lifestyle, you could be having a hard time getting your family on board. Luckily, following a few tips can ...
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Motivational Tips

Motivation may seem rather complicated to people about to embark on a new exercise program. Somewhere deep inside, you have what it takes to improve your choices and achieve a healthy life. You might feel uncertain that you have the required level of motivation. If ...
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