On 9/2/24 Express clubs will be staffed until 12pm & can be accessed anytime using keycards. All other clubs will operate regular hours.

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Health & Wellness

The Preventative Medicine of the Future

We’ve been hearing more and more over the past two years what many of us fitness folks have known for quite some time, exercise and a healthy lifestyle can protect our health and longevity. Unfortunately ...
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Beat the Sedentary Slump: Staying Fit Instead of Staying Seated

As the number of people who spend the majority of the day seated increases, so do the health risks associated with these sedentary habits. A lack of physical activity has several negative impacts on different ...
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Weight Loss: Is There Really a Secret?

Losing weight is one of the most talked about and Googled topics, especially at this time of year. Whether we feel we have a substantial amount of weight to lose or just ten pounds “around ...
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Live Your Healthiest Life This New Year

These last two years have shown us that life is too short. So, as we begin this new year, I want you to live your healthiest life possible. For more than 25 years I’ve been ...
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Achieve Your Fitness Resolutions for 2022

The season for making New Year’s resolutions will be quickly upon us. What are you hoping to change or create in 2022? For many of us, some aspect of improving our fitness is the motivating ...
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5 Beneficial Exercises for Active Agers

Our bodies will never stop needing exercise. Everyone knows you either use it or you lose it. Many benefits include helping with flexibility, posture, joint mobility, maintaining and building muscle mass and keeping us heart ...
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Autumn Anxiety

It seems that out of nowhere, we woke up to chilly mornings, football-packed Sundays, Halloween candy galore, and pumpkin-spiced everything. Although many of us long for the crisp weather, turning leaves, and excuse to curl ...
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Why You Need to Take Up Swimming as a Workout

Summer is ending but that doesn’t mean your time in the pool has to stop. You can actually reach your fitness goals with the perfect workout – swimming!
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Why Hitting the Gym Improves Mental Health

Hitting the gym has some obvious physical benefits, of which almost everyone is aware. Exercising at the gym is the best way to get stronger and fitter. Workouts also help in losing weight and are ...
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Healthy Habits That Lead to Results Pt. 2

Hello Merritt friends! Last month I shared five key takeaways from James Clear’s book Atomic Habits. Before I share five more takeaways, I’d like to tell you from personal experience that the concepts in this ...
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How to Shed That Unwanted Quarantine Weight Gain

The time spent in quarantine was necessary to keep you safe and healthy–but that does not mean some of us did not slip into some unhealthy habits when it came to eating and exercising. According ...
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Healthy Habits That Lead to Results

Since we’re almost halfway through 2021, I thought it would be a good time to check in on your goals. How are you doing? Are you crushing it? Or do you need a swift kick ...
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