On 9/2/24 Express clubs will be staffed until 12pm & can be accessed anytime using keycards. All other clubs will operate regular hours.

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Health & Wellness

Summer Ideas for the Kids

Ahhh summer! That time of tranquil mornings, long days, and warm nights that stretch seamlessly from June to the start of the next school year. While summer is relaxed, oftentimes parents are at a loss ...
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Dream a Little Dream

When people talk about health and wellness, the conversation generally turns to diet and exercise. And yes, what you put into your body and how you move your body are important. But have you ever ...
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Fearless Fishies – How Swim Classes Help Kids Build Confidence

Frequently, parents sign their kids up for swim classes just to give them something to do, expend energy, and keep them busy. Swimming lessons are a great way to make kids safer around the water ...
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Taking Care of Ourselves is the Best and Most Important Project

And it’s about our lifestyle choices.
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I Get by With a Little Help from My Friends

There was a discussion this morning in one of my Facebook groups about asking for help. A new member had taken a class and was reluctant to tell the instructor that she was having difficulty ...
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Strengthening Your Mindset and Practicing Gratitude in Order to Stay Fit

We all want to have strong bodies — strong legs, strong glutes, a strong core, a strong upper body, and strong arms – but what we also have to focus on is having a strong ...
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5 Ways to Beat the Bloat

We all know the dreaded feeling when we can barely button our pants, our belly is so distended that we look far into our second trimester of pregnancy, and we’re terrified to leave the comforts ...
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Ten Do’s and Don’ts of Losing Weight

There are many ways that individuals can go about losing weight. To maintain health, it is important to follow a program that will keep you motivated both physically and mentally.  Below are ten do’s and ...
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Brain Fog is Real

If you’re feeling a little fuzzy and forgetful, and not as sharp as in the summer months, you may want to blame it on the colder weather. According to a 2018 study from Columbia University, ...
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Exercise Keeps Us Fit For Life

  As we age, our bodies change. The workout routine that was a great fit for us in our thirties and forties can become difficult to maintain when we reach our fifties or sixties and ...
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I Feel Your Heartbeat Beating

Happy Valentine’s Day! Many people think of February as the month of love, but it is also American Heart Month. Although heart disease may often be thought of as a problem for men, it is ...
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Cool Your Jets

So, what exactly is stress, and why does it make us feel angry, disconnected, and sad? Stress can creep into our daily lives if we feel misunderstood by others and ourselves. If you made a ...
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