On 9/2/24 Express clubs will be staffed until 12pm & can be accessed anytime using keycards. All other clubs will operate regular hours.

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Health & Wellness

Can Cardio Help You Live Longer?

Well, it’s mid-January: that time when resolutions begin to lose their shine and real life becomes once again…well…real life. Did you make any resolutions for the new year? How’s it going? If one of your ...
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Challenge Accepted: Treat Yo’ Self

This month was all about me! It was the best month ever. I managed to get an accountability partner this month too without even asking. My husband was very happy to thrust himself into this ...
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Don’t Get Scrooged for the Holidays

This is the joyful season, that time of year when we’re supposed to be happy, giving, and thankful. But hosting guests or traveling and being a guest in someone’s home for any length of time ...
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Celebrate You

Happy Holidays and thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! We want to take a moment to let you know how much we appreciate you! We want to celebrate you and all the hard work you ...
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Try Me

The year is almost over, but it’s never too late to try something new! Change up your fitness routine this winter. Have you tried a new class, worked out with a trainer, joined a swim ...
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Sitting is Killing You

Are you sitting down? Are you comfortable? That’s too bad, because it’s probably killing you.
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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

When in doubt, pink it out! It will soon be Breast Cancer Awareness month, and we’re all in this together. Friends don’t let friends work out alone. Call everyone you know to get together for ...
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Challenge Accepted: I’m in a Glass Cage of Emotion!

August was De-Clutter Your Mind month. Man did I need it. My mind has been a jumbled mess of incoherent ramblings lately since my mental health was pretty low on my list of priorities. Taking ...
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Staying Sane During Back to School

It seems like we wait all year for summer to arrive when we can finally relax, unwind, and have some fun. Once Memorial Day hits, vacations, BBQs, and other festivities fill our weeks and weekends ...
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De-clutter Your Mind

Make you and your mental health a priority this month. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary. Focus on cutting out clutter in your life and things that cause you anxiety. We all deal with problems every ...
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Challenge Accepted: Slay All Day

July is our high-energy month, so I decided to take my daily routine to the next level and get more steps in! 10,000 steps per day is not necessarily the exact number of steps every ...
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Challenge Accepted: Water You Talking About?

Water! That’s what I thought about all month long. I kept thinking, why do we need to drink water? Then I realized… it’s because we can’t eat it. Knowledge is power.
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