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9 Things You Should Always Have in Your Gym Bag

9 Things You Should Always Have in Your Gym Bag

A well- packed  gym bag  is an effective way to maximize your time in any fitness center and minimize  the aggravation the comes from having to just make do. Before you  head  to the gym, make sure your bag contains the following tools to help you with your fitness goals.

1. Shoes

The most important item you should have in your fitness bag is the right shoe. According to Cary Zinkinm DPM, podiatric sports physician and spokesperson for the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), shoes that are thin-soled typically lead to heel pain, especially in older adults.  Shoes that don’t offer enough support can lead to arthritis, runner’s knee, and plantar fasciitis so the shoe you choose must fit the activity. Specialty shoe stores have educated staff that can help select the right shoe based on what you will be doing most in the gym.

2. Music

Researchers and exercisers have long known, that listening to music alters the experience of exercising. “It can reduce the perception of effort significantly and increase endurance by as much as 15 percent”, says Costas Karageorghis, Ph.D., from London’s Brunel University and one of the world’s leading authority on music and exercise Studies. A new Swedish study, reported that seniors who exercised while listening to piano music reduced their risk of falls by 50 percent more than seniors who exercised without music. Ipods, Mp3 players are small enough to use, as well as online streaming music sites like Pandora that you can use with your phone.

3. Water Bottle

Water isn’t always accessible in a gym and water isn’t the only thing you can drink before, during or after a workout. Choose a water bottle that can also hold your pre-and intra-workout supplements, or use it to shake up your post-workout protein/combo.

4. Small Towel

Everyone sweats in a gym. Unfortunately gyms are notorious for running out of towels, during the busiest times of the day. Packing your own towel guarantees you will have it when you need it, and will reduce the frustrations from running down staff and missing your workout.

5. Heart Rate Monitor

A Heart Rate monitors should be in every gym bag. They make your workouts highly effective. Not only will it track calories burned, but it will tell you how hard your heart is working and tell you if you need to increase your intensity to meet your goals or reduce . It is highly recommended to speak with your doctor before using a heart rate monitor if you have a pacemaker, defibrillator or other implanted electronic device. Since pacemakers can throw off readings from a heart rate monitor, an exercise test under a doctors supervision may be warranted to ensure the reliability. .

6. Weight Gloves

Weight training gloves do more than  protect your hands from blisters and calluses, it will improve the grip on the weight which can reduce the risk of injury. Better traction and control will allow you to perform quality sets for greater effectiveness in in your workouts.

7. Workout Journal

 A workout journal is an essential tool that shouldn’t be overlooked. Recording what you do in the gym and how you feel, is an excellent way to ensure you are progressing safely and effectively. The type of exercise you do, sets, reps and the amount of weight you lift, should all be included.  If issues arise in your fitness journey, you will have an accurate account of what you have been doing and options to modify.

8. Lean nutrition bar

Eating the right nutrition after your workout can help your  body recover faster from the stress and muscle breakdown that occurred during your workout.

9. The right bag

Your gym bag should be used exclusively for this purpose and kept in a convenient location like the trunk of your car.  This will save you a trip home if a spontaneous workout is in order.  Look for a water-resistant bag that’s compact enough to fit in a standard locker but roomy enough to hold the extras.

Post By:

Marcia Ra-Akbar

