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Swim Lessons – Video Stroke Analysis

Swim Lessons – Video Stroke Analysis

Video stroke analysis is a great way to see a new perspective on our balance and efficiency in the water. So often what we ‘feel’ like we are doing, we are not.Many of us have spent countless laps imprinting technique that does not allow us to reap the maximum benefit of our efforts. Swimming becomes effortless as we develop a conscious awareness of how we move through the water.

We will gather various footage of your stroke on the first day and spend some time discussing the principles of efficient swimming. A series of drills will be introduced to allow you to investigate your balance, streamline, and propulsion in the water. The next two sessions will expand on the drill sequence and introduce more advanced topics like tempo training and two beat kicking. The last session will review and conclude our instruction and offer a final video analysis.

Before being introduced to Total Immersion Swimming, I had become bored in the pool. Although I was coaching and instructing swimming on different levels, my personal interest was obsolete. I had resigned myself to the belief that crossing the English Channel was It for me and swimming was just part of the past. Once I discovered and applied the core principles of Total Immersion to my stroke, I got excited about swimming for the first time in a Long time! Today I enjoy swimming more than ever and sharing in the journey of others is a Joy!

