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Visit 24 Hour Gyms and Get a Powerful Brain with Those Flat, 6-Pack Abs

Visit 24 Hour Gyms and Get a Powerful Brain with Those Flat, 6-Pack Abs

Most people head to our 24 hour gyms in search of flat, 6-pack abs and a better body overall but research has proven there’s more to it than that. In the long run, getting into the gym more often may also boost our brain power. One of the most recent studies to indicate as such was published in a December 2014 edition of Psychophysiology. It showed that working out does at least two things for our brains and no, neither one has anything to do with self-confidence.

When we work out regularly, we improve the flow of two things our brains need to function optimally. They are blood and oxygen. Without enough of them, we are unable to concentrate, pay attention, problem solve and remember things. Deficits in the flow of either one can also negatively impact our coordination, fine and gross motor skills too. So, it behooves all of us to get those lungs and heart pumping optimally. And the best way to do that is exercise at 24 hour gyms.

The study that came out in December 2014 focused on healthy individuals but they are not the only ones that can benefit from working out at 24 hour gyms. Earlier studies like the one that appeared in the February 2014 edition of Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience show that aging and ailing brains can benefit from exercise too. Why? All of that improved blood and oxygen flow can help stave off everything from dementia to ischemic strokes. Of course this brings us to the big barbell in the room, “How much exercise is needed?”

Clearly, the answer will depend on the individual’s current fitness level and overall health. Therefore, we’d suggest working with a physician and personal trainer. Together, they can help people set reasonable fitness goals as well as develop routines designed to boost brain power and overall health at the same time. To learn more, please contact us.

