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Why Vanity May Not Drive Fitness Anymore

Why Vanity May Not Drive Fitness Anymore

Guy photographing yourself in mirror at phone in fitness room

Most of us want to improve the way we look so, I suppose, vanity is still a big driver for people who go to health clubs. But these days we are finding people’s motivations are more diverse. Many members are working out as a social outlet, to maintain an active lifestyle, be competitive in their respective sports and to find new ways to push their bodies and minds.

Why are you working out and what options are out there for you? Group Fitness Classes are a terrific way to meet people as many classes develop a strong following of regular faces working towards the same fitness goal. Often enough you rely on these people to get you through the tougher workouts and the comradery that’s formed gives you more reason to come back. Have you ever thought of signing up for a competitive event like a Spartan Race? This is a terrific reason to train and a goal to achieve. Maybe you even want to organize a group of your friends and train together with the guidance of a personal trainer so that everyone does the best he or she possibly can.

This leads me to personalized guidance. Whatever your motivation is, having someone create a path to success is important. The efficiency of your body’s movement (including strength, flexibility, and stamina) dictates how successful you may be so I would strongly suggest spending at least an hour with a Personal Trainer who specializes in biomechanics. This would be a terrific opportunity to develop a program specific to your needs and would DEFINITELY provide a solid foundation of education.

So, my point in this is that you need to find your inner driver and then base your workout around that motivation so that you enjoy it AND find success. Health clubs are there to support you and provide the tools to accomplish whatever you set out to achieve.


Scott Wohl

Merritt Athletic Clubs

Regional Personal Training Manager

