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How Working Out Benefits Your Overall Health During Flu Season

How Working Out Benefits Your Overall Health During Flu Season

Many people attest that the flu season (also known as “respiratory virus season” due to the addition of RSV and COVID-19) is directly correlated with the colder weather. While lower temperatures are a contributing factor ...
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7 Fall Activities That Will Burn Calories

It’s officially cozy season. The crisp autumn weather, savory comfort food, and warm sweaters make us want to curl up on the couch and watch a classic fall movie. As tempting as remaining snuggled up ...
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Squeezing in Exercise: A Busy Parent’s Guide to Staying Active with Young Kids

Being a parent of young children is a rewarding yet demanding job that can leave little time for personal wellness, including exercise. Between diaper changes, meal prep, playdates, and bedtime routines, finding time to stay ...
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Everything You Need To Know About Pickleball

Did you know that pickleball is America’s fastest-growing sport? Today, the sport boasts the support of more than 36 million Americans and is played in 63 countries worldwide. This rise in popularity is mainly because ...
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Training Your Core Is Essential

When you think of core training, you probably think of endless crunches and planks. You might think of six-pack ab muscles on beach-ready bodies. But you may not think about all the other things a ...
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Getting Back to Your Health and Fitness Routine After a Summer Break

Summer is a time of lazy days, barbecues, and ice cream. It’s a time of indulgence and hot days, which work together to put our fitness routines on “pause” and cause us to get a ...
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5 Tips to Stay Fit on Hot Summer Days

When the temperatures soar, it can be challenging to stay active and keep fit. However, there are ways you can exercise and stay healthy even on the hottest days. Here are 5 tips that you ...
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Study Shows Physical Activity Can Help Protect Against Severe COVID-19

We all know that staying active can benefit your health, but did you know it could keep you from getting really sick if you catch COVID-19? The data come from a retrospective study that demonstrates ...
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5 Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions That Will Help You Stick to Your Goals

It’s that time of year again—the time when everyone is resolving to change their life for the better. But let’s be honest, how many of us succeed in keeping our New Year’s resolutions? It seems ...
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Healthy Holiday Recipe Hacks Guaranteed to Make This Season’s Potlucks Festive, Merry, and Light

The holidays are here and we’re in the thick of potluck season. Whether it’s the annual office holiday party, family gatherings, or ringing in the new year with our besties, there are loads of opportunities ...
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Write Your Personal Year in Review for 2022

For many of us, 2022 has been a year of recovery.  With the world under lockdown for most of 2020 and some of 2021, it has been a challenge to remain optimistic about things, while ...
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6 Steps To Succeed With Your Weight Loss This Time

Was the last time you tried to lose weight, it didn’t go so well? Why? You probably need to make better decisions about what works and doesn’t work for your body type. But there are ...
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