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It’s hard to believe, but Halloween is next week. And, it’s not a far leap to see Thanksgiving and the December holidays just around the corner. Depending on how you look at it, Halloween could very well be the start of a season-long fight against the lure of comfort foods, sweets, and festive meals, or, it could be a practice run for the big food holidays that are soon to follow. Here are some easy ways to stay on the wellness path through this frightful time of year.

Before Halloween:

  1. Before Halloween, make sure to stock up on healthy snacks, fruits, and veggies. Mix sweet and savory for a multi-craving buster. Think roasted nuts and dried fruit. You can even throw in some chocolate chips or candy corn to satisfy a sweet tooth.
  2. Get your workout in. Halloween may be a busier day than usual, but if you get your workout in, even if you do sneak in some treats, it’s still an otherwise healthy day.
  3. Keep moving. If you’re giving out candy and waiting for trick-or-treaters, try marching in place, doing some stretches, planks, or squats. And of course, if you’re not the one handing out candy, you can walk the neighborhood with your kids.

After Halloween:

  1. Stay active. Stick to your regular workout routine as well as you can. But remember, there are also a lot of fun activities to keep you moving that take place outside the gym. Try signing up for a 5K run, go pumpkin or apple picking, get lost in a corn maze, visit a haunted house, or simply go for a walk to see the leaves change colors.
  2. Plan ahead. There are approximately four weeks between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Plan your parties, your workouts, your activities. Once your plan is set, do your best to stay with it. Even if things don’t go as intended one day, you can get right back to it.
  3. Work hard, play hard. It is actually ok to relax and have fun leading up to the holiday season. Yes, still make good food choices. And yes, still get your workouts in. But spend time with family. Enjoy seeing the holidays through your kids’ eyes. Cozy up and binge-watch your favorite shows or movies.

When all else fails, become a PUMPKIN! Try this workout to help keep you on track.

P     Push Ups
U     Up-Down Plank for one minute
M    Mountain Climbers
P     Plie Squats
K     Kneeling Kickbacks
I       Inchworms
N     Narrow Stance Squats (or Nothing – rest for one minute)


