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How to Nail Your First Trip to Gym

How to Nail Your First Trip to Gym

Screen_Shot_2016-01-12_at_2.36.35_PM.pngGetting started on an exercise program isn’t easy for anyone, especially if you’re committed to joining a new health club. Regardless of whether or not you have experience in a gym setting, every club is different so it’s natural that you’ll feel a little out of place the first time you go there. Here are some tips to get you ready so you can start focusing on getting healthy instead of wondering what the heck to do now that you’ve arrived.

Take a test run

Take a trial run of your new fitness club by going there with the intention of just looking around, not getting in a solid workout. Go during the time you will be using the gym most to get a realistic feel for how things are going to go for you once you make this routine. Dress in gym clothes in case the urge to do a quick workout strikes, and start by taking a few minutes to explore the locker room to see what’s available. Do you need to bring your own locker? Are there towels available for you to use? What’s the shower situation like?

Next, move into the main floor to get a feel for how crowded it is and whether or not there are available machines. Figure out the layout of the floor so you don’t waste time later looking for your favorite machine(s). Feel free to talk to the staff about fitness classes or for a more thorough tour. Knowing what to expect ahead of time can ease most of the anxiety about joining a fitness club, so make sure to take this step if you tend to stress out about doing new things or if you have made the excuse of “I don’t know what to do” before as a way to talk yourself out of going to the gym.

Pack ahead of time

Now that you have a better feel for what to expect from the gym, you can prepare accordingly. Pack your bag the night before so you can be prepared during your lunch break or after work. Include everything you’ll need including a change in shoes, clothes, water, and a post-workout snack. Ladies and guys with long hair may want to consider bringing something to tie hair back and/or a hat.

Plan your workout

Knowing what you do about how the gym is set up, what classes are available, and how much time you have, have a workout in mind before you arrive at the gym so you can get straight to work instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to try first. If you’re easing into a fitness routine, start small with a short 20-30 minute workout. It’s tempting to get caught up in the excitement of your new fitness club and try to do a hard and/or long workout, but starting small makes it much more likely that you won’t get injured or too sore to keep working out all week long.

Joining a health club is a great way to stay committed and motivated. Use these tips to ease your anxiety about starting your new routine so you can focus on what really matters: getting healthy and staying active. For more ideas on how to get started at your new health club,contact us today.

