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Training for my first race (PART 3)

“Research and Development, putting in the man hours to study the science of what you need.” -Dale

Here are a few programs that you can follow if you are starting to run. A few notes when looking at the program.

1. Warm: 10-15 minutes of warm before running.

My warm-up routine is this:

*please note that you may need to activate different body parts for an effective run*

Jumping Jacks

3 sets of 10

Supine Hamstring Stretch

3 sets of 30 seconds each leg

Supine Quad Stretch

3 sets of 30 seconds each leg

Adductor Squeeze

3 sets of 30 seconds

Band Abduction

3 sets of 30 seconds

Runners Lunge

3 sets of 30 seconds

A few-minutes walk to take inventory on how I am feeling.

My wife’s warm-up routine:

High Knee

3 sets of 10


2 sets of 10/15 reps

Standing Calf Raises

2 sets of 10/15 reps

Quad Foam Roll

3 sets of 30 seconds

Hamstring Foam Roll

3 sets of 30 seconds

IT Band Foam Roll

3 sets of 30 seconds

Without a proper warm-up for me, things like this may happen (photo below). ***Please don’t let this photo discourage you from running, please let my obstacle be a learning experience for you.


I shorten my warmup and about a mile in, my SI band flared up. Then, about 5-10 minutes later my leg started to hurt with every strike. I stopped my run, attempted to stretch, and was not able to resume the run.

2. Rest days are crucial to injury prevention and recovery. TAKE THEM!

3. Run Days, keep at a comfortable, conversational pace.

60-69% max heart rate: Conversational Pace

70-79% max heart rate: Breathless but able to speak a sentence of 4 words

80-89% max heart rate: Breathless; difficulty saying more than 4 words

4. Run/Walk Intervals: These are great for starting out, especially if you can’t run a straight distance.

1 min run:1 min walk, 2 min run :1 min walk, 5 min run:2 min walk , etc.

It’s fun to challenge yourself and keeps your runs a bit more interesting.

5. Cross Training Days: Take inventory of how your body feels. If you are sore: stretching, foam rolling, or yoga might be a better option than strength training.

6. Long Run Days: Create a game plan going into the long run. For example, run the first mile, 2nd mile intervals, 3rd mile run, 4-mile intervals. Etc., etc.

There will be good days and there will be bad days. Find the silver lining in the bad days and ask how you can make the good days better. #Kaizen

7. You can alter these weeks as need. This would be great if you have longer than 8 weeks to prep or wish to slowly progress.

Week Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
1 Rest 1.5 Mile Run or 20-25 minute walk/run intervals Cross Train or rest 1.5 Mile Run or 20-25 minute walk/run intervals Rest Long Run- 2 miles or 30-35 run/walk intervals Rest
2 Rest 2 mile run or 30-35 minute walk/run intervals Cross Train or rest 2 mile run or 30-35 minute run/walk intervals Rest Long Run

2.5 miles or 40-45 minute run/walk intervals

3 Rest 2.5 mile run or 40-45 minute walk/run intervals Cross Train or rest 2 mile run or 30-35 minute walk/run intervals Rest Long Run

3.5 Miles or 50 minute run/walk intervals

4 Rest 2.5 mile run or 40-45 minute walk/run intervals Cross Train or rest 2 mile run or 30-35 minute walk/run intervals Rest Long Run

3.5 Miles or 50 minute run/walk intervals

5 Rest 3 mile run or

45-50 minute walk-run intervals

Cross Train or rest 2.5 mile run or 40-45 minute walk/run intervals Rest Long Run

4 Miles or 60 minutes run/walk intervals

6 Rest 3 mile run or

45-50 minute walk-run intervals

Cross Train or rest 2.5 mile run or 40-45 minute walk/run intervals Rest Long Run

4.5 Miles or 70 minutes run/walk intervals

7 Rest 3.5 Miles or 50 minute run/walk intervals Cross Train or rest 3 mile run or

45-50 minute walk-run intervals

Rest Long Run

5 Miles or 75

minutes run/walk intervals

8 Rest 3 mile run or

45-50 minute walk-run intervals

Cross Train or rest 2 mile run or 30-35 minute walk/run intervals Rest Rest Long Run

6 Miles or 90 minutes run/walk intervals

When this blog is released, I will most likely be within 30 days of my race. I will be spending most of my time focusing on that. If I can, I will submit one more entry, however, I will share a post-race blog.

James Merritt is the General Manager of Merritt Clubs Buckingham.

