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Fitness Tips

Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

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30 Tips to help freshen up your gym bag!

Get ready to pack your bags and hit the gym with a whole new attitude!
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Become a Faster Runner

Interested in becoming a faster runner? One of the best ways to do so is by doing speed work at the track 1 day per week. My favorite is “¼ Mile Repeats.” (Heart rate monitor ...
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3-Point Nutrition Plan

There are plenty of fads, diets, and pre-packaged meal plan options available – yet, obesity is on the rise. Why? Simple. Diets don’t work. Fads fade. Meal plan options are temporary and can become expensive ...
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Mentally Connect to Your Workouts

Its that time of year, holiday season, when you need to check out and gain some much needed R&R because of all the chaos. It is also unfortunately the time most people mentally check out. ...
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19 Fitness Tips for your Exercise and Fitness Goals

Fitness Tip 19: “The following is a list of known power foods: almonds + other nuts, beans + legumes, spinach and other greens, oatmeal (without added sugar), eggs, turkey + other lean meats, dairy (fat ...
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Weight Control – 14 Tips To Help You Lose The Pot Belly

1. Keep a journal of what you eat. Record what you eat, the amount you eat, where you eat and what you’re doing when you eat. Note patterns you may want to change.
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