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Why Group Fitness Beats Going Solo

Why Group Fitness Beats Going Solo

Working out gives you more than just a nice figure for clothes. It improves your body’s health, raises your spirits and helps you reach emotional and mental wellness. Knowing these wonderous benefits doesn’t always propel individuals to exercise consistently. It is hard work, but there is a secret that makes it easier to reach your physical goals. Group fitness is the trick that keeps you on track.

IMG_0869.jpgA Les Mills BODYPUMP class at Merritt Clubs Towson in February 2017
  • Structure: There is a set program when you’re joining a fitness program. You sign up for specific classes on particular days and times. This structure is important, especially if you tend to procrastinate. While you usually have to be a member of the club to register in a class, the financial investment provides another layer of committment that can get you out of bed and into gear.
  • Socialization: It’s simply more fun when you work out with others. You make new social connections that can progress beyond the gym or studio. The relationships will keep you coming back as you encourage one another. Some friendly competition enters in as well so that you attempt to do more repetitions and higher energy moves than your work-out neighbors.{{cta(’85f45488-30f3-44f1-a227-d5c6987f5c4b’,’justifycenter’)}}
  • Inspiration: Group fitness is inspiring. Not only can you work toward attaining the killer abdominals and ripped biceps of some very fit individuals but you can learn from others as well. Take a look at the less than stereotypical gym enthusiast who is overweight, underweight or labors with a disability. Their dedication to wellness in the face of obstacles can motivate you to consistently work toward your own goals.
  • Variety: Well-constructed group fitness initiatives never become boring. Skilled instructors change it up with their choreography and music. You must constantly adapt, use new muscle groups and increase your strength and flexibility. These novel challenges keep your interest alive and work your brains as well as your body.

Don’t give up. You can maintain fitness if you dedicate yourself. Group fitness is an excellent way to keep you going.

